This is traditionally a time for New Year's resolutions, and the College has made several. These begin with our very first Master's degree in Organizational Effectiveness which we are planning to launch in September. The program will begin and end with a face to face meeting with the cohort, but all the coursework will be offered online.
In order to improve the learning outcomes for our online students, we are deploying software in every course that will help our faculty and advisors understand when our students are struggling. This will enable us to offer timely and appropriate support. Think of this as the educational equivalent of Amazon knowing what sorts of books you might like from the ones you have already purchased. Part of the power of online education is that we can provide customized learning support to each student based on need, and the College is working toward this goal.
So, during this season of sharing and giving, I wish you all a peaceful and loving holiday. The College looks forward to serving you even better in the coming year.